Saturday, February 2, 2013

Bring a Friend Day!

It's bring a friend day at Cat's Corner! Bring someone brand new to the beginner lesson at 8pm on Wednesday, February 6th, and enjoy 2-for-1 admission!
Hey Buzz, spot me a fiver?
We don't care how you work out the details. Here are some options:
  1. Your friend gets in free! You pay.
  2. You "forget" to tell your friend about the deal, and YOU get in free! Your "friend" pays.
  3. You and your friend go halvsies.
  4. Rock-Paper-Scissors best out of three winner gets in free, loser pays.
  5. Arm wrestle for who gets the honor of paying
  6. You both pay, and SwingCville thanks you for your donation!

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