Thursday, February 28, 2013

Blues Dance Crash Course Tonight!

Come out tonight, Feb 28, 7:30-9:30pm to our Beginner Crash Course where we will be learning Blues! Our special 2-hour lesson will get you started in this exciting, musical, soulful dance. And you'll have a good head start as we go into our blues lessons in March and for Bring on the Blues, March 22-24!

Oddfellows Monticello Lodge
(Above Market St Market)
116 4th St NE
Charlottesville, VA 22903

Monday, February 25, 2013

Thanks for another great dance!

This month's Cville Savoy was one of our best yet! With record attendance at the Charleston workshop and lots of new dancers coming out to the evening dance. Check out the photos below, compliments of Renae.

And don't forget to come out to Fellini's tonight, 9-11pm for SwingCville "On The Town"!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Cville Savoy featuring John & Ruth!

This Saturday is the big day - The Cville Savoy! With special guest instructors John & Ruth from Richmond.

Join the Facebook Event and see who else is coming!


5:00-7:00pm - Tandem Charleston with John & Ruth ($10*)

7:30-8:30pm - Beginner Swing Dance Lesson (FREE!)

8:30-11:30pm - Cville Savoy dance with DJ John Ennis ($10*)

Midnight - The Afterparty! (Directions at the dance) (FREE!)

* Get the Workshop + Dance for only $15
* NOTE: Students get a $3 discount

The Workshop:

Foundations of Tandem Charleston by John Ennis and Ruth Brown

Tandem Charleston is a part of Lindy Hop, a dance that evolved from Partner Charleston in Harlem in the late 20s and early 30s. Tandem Charleston is well-suited to faster music and offers a simple, fun, and visually impressive way to dance.

In this 2 hour workshop, we’ll work on the technique of Tandem Charleston including body positioning, timing, efficiency, and lead/follow technique. From these foundations we’ll build several basic Tandem Charleston patterns and cover entrances and exits between Tandem and side by side Charleston. Styling and energetic variations will also be introduced.

Your instructors.

The Venue:

Oddfellow's Monticello Lodge
(Upstairs above Market St Market)
116 4th St NE
Charlottesville, VA 22902

Monday, February 18, 2013

SwingCville "On The Town" Tonight!

Just a quick reminder, don't forget to come to Fellini's #9 tonight, 9-11pm. Live jazz, dancing, drinks, and delectables!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Cats Corner News

Lesson Archive
Remember to check out the Lesson Archive each week before lessons to review what we learned last week! I just posted videos from Wednesday, February 13th, so go check 'em out!

Dance Playlists
New this month! Check out the Resources page were I will be posting the playlist from each event. If you've ever been wondering what music to practice to, or if you're trying to remember the name of a really great song from last night, here's where to look.

And here's some videos from Cats Corner in January:

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Valentine's Dance Tonight

See you all at our annual Valentine's Dance tonight. It's only $5. There will be cookies, decorations, and special musical selections to help set the mood!

7:00-8:00pm - Intermediate Lesson
8:00-9:00pm - Beginner Lessons
9:00-10:30pm - Valentine's Dance!

Also, don't forget to check out the Lesson Archive before lessons and review the lesson recaps from last week.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

SwingCville "On the Town"

Head down to Fellini's #9 restaurant and bar next Monday, February 11th for live jazz music, drink specials, and dancing. No lesson, just good food, good beer, good friends, and good music!

Join the Facebook event and invite your friends!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Bring a Friend Day!

It's bring a friend day at Cat's Corner! Bring someone brand new to the beginner lesson at 8pm on Wednesday, February 6th, and enjoy 2-for-1 admission!
Hey Buzz, spot me a fiver?
We don't care how you work out the details. Here are some options:
  1. Your friend gets in free! You pay.
  2. You "forget" to tell your friend about the deal, and YOU get in free! Your "friend" pays.
  3. You and your friend go halvsies.
  4. Rock-Paper-Scissors best out of three winner gets in free, loser pays.
  5. Arm wrestle for who gets the honor of paying
  6. You both pay, and SwingCville thanks you for your donation!